Principal Investigators

GRK 2198/1 - Soft Tissue Robotics

Short summary of this page (160 digits).

Principal Investigators at the University of Stuttgart, Germany

Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control
Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation
Institute for Control Eng. of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units
Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems
Institute of Electrical Energy Conversion
Institute for Control Eng. of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units
Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE)
Institute of Sport and Exercise Science
Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems
Institute for Control Eng. of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units
3rd Physics Institute

Principal Investigators at the University of Auckland, New Zealand

Department of Engineering Science
Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering


This image shows Sina Schorndorfer

Sina Schorndorfer


Coordinator GRK 2198

[Photo: Universität Stuttgart]

This image shows Oliver Röhrle

Oliver Röhrle


PI and Spokesperson GRK 2198

[Photo: Universität Stuttgart]

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